HomeEQUIPMENTNect generation Selva Marine engines .

Nect generation Selva Marine engines .


New Selva Marine outboard motors

The Italian outboard motor brand Selva Marine has increased its range of motors with the development of three of its motors in its high power segment.

Selva Marine has added an evolution of its outboards of 200, 225 and 250 horses, evolved in these powers with important developments

Selva Marine has expanded to two engines of its three most powerful engines, 225 and 250 Hp, the electronic management. Top of the range with 300 Hp

Also in accessories, such as the new DLC-Plus 4.3 multifunction control screen that comes as a standard for the Selva Marine 200 XSR, Beaked Whale 225 Hp and Right Whale 250, and optionally for the rest of the EFIs models from 25 CV. Selva’s new DLC-Plus (Digital Lan Connection) allows you to customize the engine data it offers on screen.

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Selva Marine has improved the features in the more powerful engines, with significant advances such as the new version of electronic management for the 225 and 250 hp outboards, which was already available for the 300 hp, in addition to the options of counter-rotating propellers for mounts double. On the other hand, the 200 hp model is now also presented in a higher performance version XSR.

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Beaked Whale 225 and Right Whale 250

The new 225 and 250 Hp outboards offer a displacement of 4,169 c.c. and the electronic control of variable synchronization “Drive by Wire”, by electronic cable.

Powers 225–250 Hp

Block V6 at 60º
Displacement 4,169 cm3
DOHC-24V configuration
Alternator 840 W
Weight 260 kg

The 200 is now the sei Whales 200XSR is enriched at the top of the range, through optimized performance thanks to higher torque with even lower fuel consumption.

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Powers 200 Hp
Block 4 online
Displacement 2,785 cm3
DOHC-16V configuration
Alternator 500 W
Weight 227 kg

+ INFO: selvamarine.com

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