VENDÉE GLOBE Apivia leads


Apivia leads

23 days away from the Vendée Globe, Apivia maintains its advantage of more than two hundred miles over LinkedOut.

Charlie Dalin believes that safety is above all now that he is sailing in the Indian Ocean.

Of thirty-three participants who took the start, two of them have withdrawn before the Cape of Good Hope.

It took current leader Apivia, Charlie Dalin, 22 days 09:51 hours to cross the length of Buena Esperanza. Four and a half days slower than Thomson and 13:57 hours faster than Armel Le Cléac´h.

Once in the Indian Ocean, the next point of reference will be to cross the longitude of the Cape Leeuwin meridian in Australia.

At 09:00 hours today the Apivia sails eastward at an average speed of 18 knots in the flow of favorable low pressure winds located to the southeast of its position, and in about twelve hours it will be reached by another that will reach it by the southwest.
Charlie Dalin, discreet and silent, is beginning to ride the roaring forty.

You have to find the right rhythm and, above all, think about safety above all else,” says Charlie Dalin.

In second place Thomas Ruyant with the LinkedOut follows in the footsteps of Dalin, 323 miles from Apivia. Third is Bureau Valley 2 at 253 miles; fourth Sébastien Simon with the Arkea Paprec at 347 miles and fifth Boris Herrmann at 464 miles.

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