HomeNEWSTre Golfi Sailing Week 2023 , Focus on Sustainability

Tre Golfi Sailing Week 2023 , Focus on Sustainability

Now there are just over two months left for the start of the iconic “Tre Golfi Sailing Week 2023”. The membership of Maxi and ORC grows, the program is perfected both in the water and on land and the closing of registrations is scheduled for March 15.

To date, there are already numerous hulls registered for the regatta, but the number has increased significantly in recent days: 80 will participate in the 68th Tre Golfi Regatta, valid as the Italian Offshore Championship and organized with departure on May 12 at 5:00 p.m. from the Circolo Remo y Vela Italia under the patronage of the FIV and in collaboration with the Yacht Club Italiano, the Reale Yacht Club Canottieri Savoia, the IMA, the ORC and the UVAI with the support of Rolex as Official Watch. 26 Maxi will participate in the coastal regattas from May 15 to 18, valid as the IMA Maxi 2023 European Championship and more than 30 boats with ORC international certificate will join, to continue in the Middle and Lower Tyrrhenian National Championship scheduled from May 19 to 21 of May.

This year, all ORC boats will be moored in Marina di Piano di Sorrento, a few kilometers from Sorrento, which will be constantly connected with a shuttle service. Here the crews will have special treatment, with a welcome with brioches and Caffè Borbone in the morning and a party of pasta and Ferrarelle water when returning to the pier. On Thursday the 18th all the crews will be invited to Vico Equense in the Axidie for a dinner that will highlight the best specialties prepared by the star chefs of the Sorrento peninsula. The differences compared to the last edition are not limited to the new location, but also to having dedicated three days of regattas to it: from Friday 19 to Sunday 21 May, in fact, the only ORC fleet will be in the waters of the Sorrento Peninsula for the Middle and Lower Tyrrhenian Sea National Championship.

Among the ORCs, the British TP52 Beau Geste by Karl Kwok with the New Zealand champion Gavin Brady at the helm will not be the only TP52, in fact with them also the Italian Blue by Roberto Monti with Andrea Casale and the Spanish Blue Carbon by Antonio. wow. There are currently seven nations represented, where the most numerous is clearly Italy, followed by two Spanish crews, one French, Daguet 3, one ship from the Czech Republic, one British, one Swedish and one Swiss.

“I think it was a great idea to separate Maxi and ORC inshore racing – comments Gavin Brady from New Zealand – the events often don’t understand how important the role of sailors is in promoting sailing and the events themselves. By separating the two categories, we professionals have been given the opportunity to propose to our owners to participate in both regattas, many sailors from both boats agree, and otherwise we would have had to give up one of the two moments.”
“It will be the first event of the season for Vesper and therefore an opportunity to see how the rest of the fleet fares after the winter changes,” continues Brady. – while for Beau Geste it will be the second event, after the European Championship in Malta, a few weeks before. Having the shores first with Vesper should give Beau Geste an advantage, who competes with the ORCs on the weekend. I have raced in this area before and I am happy to be back, because it is a very tactical race course, which offers great opportunities and is different every day”.

The various classes will start from the same start line exclusively for the feature race, then each will have their own dedicated spaces and events for the remainder of the week on the Sorrento Peninsula, where the event will be run as much as possible in the name . of sustainability. From the reduction of boats in the regatta course, also possible thanks to the use of GPS robotic buoys that will also protect the Posidonia forests from anchors and chains, to the use of recyclable material for all activities and the awareness of shipowners and crew for a limited use of plastic products.

The most ambitious project of the Circolo Remo e Vela Italia, with the sponsorship and support of the “Institute for Research in Innovation and Development Services” of the CNR, the Federico II University, the Parthenope University and the UNESCO Chair “Environment, Resources and Sustainability Development”, will prepare guidelines for the planning, management and control of ecological and sustainability issues, which will lead, in agreement with the FAI – Italian Fund for the Environment – to a theoretical calculation on the amounts of CO 2 emissions produced with planting trees to offset, at least partially, carbon dioxide emissions. The planting will take place in an area with a strong symbolic value that will be identified in the Sorrento Peninsula through processes of collaboration and dialogue with local communities.

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