HomeINTERESTSubmissions for ORC Annual Meeting

Submissions for ORC Annual Meeting

The Offshore Racing Congress (ORC) announces 52 Submissions for consideration at the ORC Annual General Meeting (AGM) are now posted here. The ORC AGM will be held in Malaga, Spain over 10-14 November 2023.

These Submissions from 11 countries and the ORC Management Committee are important because they represent the feedback from thousands of ORC users around the world that will be used to improve the system’s future use.

Six committees will meet over Friday 10 November through Monday 13 November. These include the Management, Promotion and Development, Classes and Events, Race Management, Measurement and Rating Officers Committees, with the meeting schedule appearing below. Each will have an agenda of items that will include a review of the past year and the Submissions suggestions for future improvements. Their recommendations then go to the ORC Congress for approval at its meeting on 14 November.

The ORC International Technical Committee (ITC), who develop and improve the ORC Velocity Prediction Program (VPP) among other tasks, will meet separately prior to the AGM to make final adjustments to the new year’s VPP and decisions on the 23 Submissions made to their committee. ITC Chairman Andy Claughton will present their findings and recommendations to the Management Committee and to Congress for approval.

The topics covered in these Submissions vary widely in subject: from Age allowance to Extreme winds, from ORC Branding at events to details on Measurements and Scoring, every Committee has been asked to consider these and many other ideas among the Submissions.

For more information on Submissions, the detailed schedule of events, and to book your room at the host hotel HN Hotel Malaga, visit the event webpage: orc.org/agm-2023.

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