HomeENVIRONMENTNorth Sails to Save the Coral Reef

North Sails to Save the Coral Reef

North Sails launches a new challenge for a totally green future, supporting the “Adopt a Coral” project launched by Coral Gardens

Eco-sustainability and protection of the environment were the slogans that propose innovative projects at the service of the environment.

North Sails, has always been involved in battles to protect the environment, and has decided to support the “Adopt a coral” campaign launched by the small reality show Coral Gardeners (coral gardeners). It is a group of young people of different nationalities who since 2017 have tried to keep alive the huge coral reefs that surround the Pacific Ocean, so precious for the survival of other marine species that they are often called the “trees of the sea”. .

The United Nations believes that 70% of the coral reefs present in the depths of the oceans are threatened by rapid climatic changes that, day by day, put the very survival of these small animals at risk.

The biggest challenge to be faced remains global warming. If the water temperature were to rise again 1 or 2 degrees, in fact, the corals would be affected and the phenomenon known as “bleaching” would occur, during which the algae inside the corals are expelled and the organism slowly dies. The solution, explain the biologists, cannot remain in the simple care of the coral: we must prevent the damage caused by climate change.

In keeping with this vision, the members of Coral Gardeners have developed a new system for the prevention of the Great Barrier Reef. In fact, the coral fragments most resistant to bleaching are placed in some nurseries, where they can grow and form another colony. In line with these new scenarios promoted by the Coral Gardeners group in the field of environmental sustainability.

North Sails wanted to support this project by inviting its customers to adopt a coral with a minimum purchase of 200 euros on the brand’s website. The love for sailing and the protection of the environment thus find a new common factor towards a more sustainable future.


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