TikTok boat jumping challenge that sees people leap off vessels moving at high speed is blamed for FOUR deaths in Alabama – as cop says victims broke their necks instantly.
TikTok boat jumping challenge that sees people leap off vessels moving at high speed is blamed for FOUR deaths in Alabama – as cop says victims broke their necks instantly. pic.twitter.com/2aCxvJZsRy
— Molly Ploofkins™ (@Mollyploofkins) July 9, 2023
@napapartyhard @Fantasy Boat Party got some professional divers aboard. Are you gonna attempt it off top deck? #boatparty #ayianapa2023 #partyholiday #boatfails
@higino671 Girl jump in Boat
@leparisien Le « boat jumping », ce challenge TikTok mortel qui inquiète aux États-Unis
@toptierthreads14 Cat Jumps Off Boat Too Early #funny #fyp #foryoupage #fail #interesting #viral #foryou #internet #video
@20minutesonline La folie des réseaux sociaux entraîne parfois jusqu’à la mort certains utilisateurs. Les autorités de l’Alabama ont tiré la sonnette d’alarme après 4 décès en 6 mois, occasionnés par un nouveau challenge TikTok extrêmement dangereux, le «boat jumping . #boatchallengedone
@brett_er_run What could go wrong jumping from one boat to another boat? #wcgw #goingforaswim #whoops