HomeSAILING41st Copa del Rey MAPFRE -Day 1

41st Copa del Rey MAPFRE -Day 1

Mallorca’s renowned Bay of Palma dealt near perfect conditions, 10-13kts of wind and warm sunshine, for the six classes which opened the 41st Copa del Rey MAPFRE today.
All four Majorica ORC teams, 57 of them, opened their accounts with three windward-leeward races whilst the one design ClubSwan 50s and ClubSwan 42s had two contests.

Just over one year on from joining the highly competitive ClubSwan 50 fleet, Scottish ex-pat, Monaco based owner-helm Graeme Peterson and crew had their best day yet on Moonlight. Winning the first race for the ClubSwan 50 class and then finishing second Moonlight leads the one design fleet tied on the same three points aggregate as three times class winner, Hendrik Brandis’ EarlyBird.

The fleets racing on course area Charlie, most offshore and in the middle of the Bay of Palma enjoyed two good races in breezes between nine and 12 knots. While the more easterly race course areas are typically left side favoured, today an open mind and good starts were essential

The 41st Copa del Rey MAPFRE is organised by the Real Club Náutico de Palma and the Real Federación Española de Vela, with the sponsorship of MAPFRE and the institutional collaboration of the Govern de les Illes Balears, the Ayuntamiento de Palma, the Autoritat Portuaria de Balears and the Federación Balear de Vela.

Reults Day 1: (Position/Boat/Skipper/Results/Point)

Majorica ORC 1:
1. Palibex-Elena Nova, Christian Plump/Javier Sanz, 1+2+2=5
2. Lisa R, Fracesco Bertone, 2+3+1=6
3. From Now On, Ezequiel Despontin, 3,5+1+4=8,5
4. Aifos, El Rey Don Felipe, 3,5+4+3=10,5

Majorica ORC 2:
1. Teatro del Soho Caixabank, Daniel Cuevas, 1+1+1=3
2. Maverta, José Ballester, 2+2+8=12
3. Reve de Vie, Angelo Galeati, 4+3+6=13

Majorica ORC 3:
1. Scugnizza, Enzo de Blasio, 1+1+2=4
2. Laplaza Assessors, Carles Rodríguez, 3+2+1=6
3. Lady Power by Ready Set Go, Juan Pablo Marchesoni, 4,5+6+6=16,5

Majorica ORC 4:
1. Just The Job, Scott Beattie, 1+1+3=5
2. Ybarra – Befesa, Arturo Montes, 2+2+1=5
3. Lassal, Gonzalo Calvo, 3+4+2=9

ClubSwan 50:
1. Moonlight, Graeme Peterson, 2+1=3
2. Earlybird, Hendrik Brandis, 1+2=3
3. Niramo, Sonke Meier Sawatzki, 3+7=10

ClubSwan 42:
1. Pez de Abril, José María Meseguer, 1+1=2
2. Selene-Alifax, Massimo de Campo, 2+2=4
3. Porron X, Luis Senís, 3+3=6



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