HomeMOTH2022 Moth Worlds Argentina - Day 1

2022 Moth Worlds Argentina – Day 1

The Moth Class World Championship, organized by the Yacht Club Argentino, finally started.
With 39 participants from 9 countries, the first day of races of this event was eagerly awaited.

The day began with a skippers’ meeting, where the plan for the day was laid out. Shortly before noon the first boat hit the water and was followed by the rest of the fleet. Unfortunately the light wind forced the Race Committee to postpone the races, so the sailors returned to land to wait for better conditions.
Around five o’clock in the afternoon, with renewed hope and about ten knots, the fleet returned to the water to complete the only race of the day.

British 49er Olympic champion, Dylan Fletcher, was the winner, followed by argentinian Massimo Contessi and italian Francesco Bruni.

After returning from the water, the sailors shared some pastries at the venue.
Tomorrow the races will continue.

You can find the complete results in this link.

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Conservas Marechiare

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Maguire Boats


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