On this year’s World Ocean Day, Team Malizia is expressing its love and appreciation for the Ocean by highlighting the High Seas, through the voice of extraordinary Ocean advocates we recently met. Hear from them how critically important the High Seas are, and why it is urgent that we have to protect them.

Have you ever heard about the High Seas?  The Ocean covers about two-thirds of the surface of our planet and houses up to 80% of all life on Earth. Almost half of the planet is actually considered as the High Seas. These vast, open waters, make up a significant portion of our planet’s marine environment. However, they are facing unprecedented threats from activities such as overfishing, pollution, and deep-sea mining. It is imperative that we draw attention to these issues and advocate for stronger conservation efforts to ensure the health and sustainability of the High Seas for future generations.

Our Team Malizia recently organised a sustainability panel debate on the High Seas and how to protect them, and we were very lucky that fascinating and inspiring Ocean advocates accepted to take part in the discussion. Amongst them: Sylvia Earle, Oceanographer, Explorer and Ocean Ambassador, Farah Obaidullah, Ocean Advocate, Founder of The Ocean and Us, and Lela DeVine, Youth Spokesperson High Seas Alliance & EarthEcho. These incredible women spend every day fighting for Ocean protection, raising awareness amongst many generations, and educating the public about the High Seas.

They have also asked the perfect question: “Have you ever wondered what’s under your boat?”

How to learn more about the High Seas and our Ocean advocates missions:: 

> Follow Sylvia Earle, visit https://missionblue.orgor watch the Mission Blue documentary on Netflix

> Follow Farah Obaidullah, visit the newly relaunched https://www.theoceanandus.org/  website launched or read her book The Ocean and Us

> Follow EarthEcho International at https://www.earthecho.org/

> Read more about our Ocean Panel Debate here: https://www.team-malizia.com/news/preserving-our-high-seas-team-malizia-calls-to-action-in-high-level-panel-debate

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