Video: A 26-Year-Old Titanic Mystery Solved

A 26-Year-Old Titanic Mystery Solved – Meet Titanic’s Awe-Inspiring Neighbor in the Deep Sea


First seen in 1998 by Titanic diver PH Nargeolet, the beacon was seen near the wreck of the Titanic at a depth of 2,900 meters.

It was first suspected that this was a second shipwreck, but OceanGate’s Titanic 2022 Expedition has uncovered what looks like a dense, living ecosystem.

Researchers believe the discovered geological feature is a collection of volcanic basalt formations, according to Marine Science and OceanGate Expeditions.

“We are amazed at the diversity and density of the sponges, the bamboo corals, other cold water corals, the plump lobsters and the fish. Discovering this previously unknown ecosystem also provides the opportunity to make a comparison with the marine biology on and around the Titanic. The similarities and differences will help us better understand our deep-sea environments. “

OceanGate researchers have collected video footage, photographs and water samples for environmental DNA analysis of the area, which will allow the extent of biodiversity on the reef to be measured, providing vital information on how life survives, thrives and disperses. in the depths of the ocean.