HomeINTERESTSaved in extremis by writing a distress message “Help” in the...

Saved in extremis by writing a distress message “Help” in the sand before passing out

New Zealand emergency services rescued a surfer who fell unconscious next to a message in the sand that read ‘Help‘.

How many times has it been seen in the movies that a castaway wrote messages in the sand on the beach to see if some plane or helicopter could locate him and could save him.
How many times, too, have these messages been seen to be of no help to them.

In New Zealand a real case has happened with a good ending,  related to surfing and not to a boat.

The events have occurred on a remote beach in this country, in the west of Auckland, where a surfer was calmly surfing when a wave won the game and sent him against some rocks. Wounded, he managed to return to the beach, but saw that he was unable to walk, so he used up his last cartridge and wrote the word ‘HELP‘ in the sand with a considerable size.

Immediately afterwards, the protagonist of this story lost consciousness. Right next to the letters he had just written.

The place where the victim wrote the word was not visible from the trails north of Mercer Bay. In addition, since the area is at alert level 3 due to the current coronavirus pandemic situation, it is not usual for many people to pass through either the north or the south. But luckily, according  the rescue service, a boy and a girl passed by at that moment and saw it.

The authorities notified, the rescue team moved to the beach, the surfer was able to receive first aid on the sand and was later transferred to the hospital, where he is recovering favorably from the incident.

Without a doubt, a movie story, although with the variant that the protagonist was not the typical castaway, but a surfer with the ability to reason well what he should do if he wanted to exhaust the options to survive the bad luck he had had.

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