Jules Verne Trophy. Sodebo Ultim 3 rudder damage
Sodebo Ultim 3 news is not very good. One of the rudders is damaged, repairs are underway, but the maxi-trimaran is obviously late.
Suite à une avarie sur un des safrans de #SodeboUltim3, des réparations en cours à bord du trimaran.
En relation étroite avec le team technique à terre, les 8 hommes d’équipage mettent tout en œuvre pour trouver une solution. pic.twitter.com/GX0uYNdin9— Sodebo Voile (@Sodebo_Voile) December 11, 2020
¨During the last few hours, the Sodebo Ultim 3 maxi-trimaran, led by Thomas Coville, has been slightly behind, and no longer slightly ahead, of the current record holder IDEC Sport
This morning it was moving at 9 knots with a 24 knot downwind.
They hope that the repairs can be completed very quickly, but the delay is already 150 miles this morning this morning, it will be difficult to compensate.