The Mayor of Barcelona and Grant Dalton, CEO of America’s Cup Events (ACE) witnessed an incredible ‘human logo’ of the Louis Vuitton 37th America’s Cup that symbolised the huge effort by so many people in organising what is sure to be one of the most memorable regattas in the event’s 173-year history.
Bringing together team members, volunteers, institutions and America’s Cup Event staff, the ‘human logo’ was captured by drone and saw some 700 people take part with the strapline of: FEM-LA GROSSA! – A LO GRANDE! – LET’S MAKE IT BIG!

Grant Dalton and Aurora Catà from ACE, the organising body of the Louis Vuitton 37thAmerica’s Cup gave a welcome speech, and this was followed by Jaume Collboni, the Mayor of Barcelona who highlighted the support of the city of Barcelona in such a collaborative and united team effort. Mr. Collboni also re-iterated the desire to involve the entire community in creating something extremely special and memorable for the city with a lasting impact.
In his speech, the Mayor added: “This is a great opportunity to show Barcelona to the world once again. It has been many years since we had an event of this importance to help raise the international profile of our city. The institutions have worked hard hand in hand with ACE to bring the America’s Cup to Barcelona, but it will be a success, above all, because of the volunteers. Thanks to all of them”.

The Mayor highlighted the importance of hosting the fist Puig Women’s America’s Cup and the fact that sustainability will be at the heart of the event with protagonism of 0 emission vessels. “To connect with this story of success and pride we will give the city the new Port Olímpic, we will have it for the America’s Cup and for the people of Barcelona, who deserve it. Let’s remember that we are ‘Gent de Mar’. Let’s hope that all the people come down to the beaches and can experience this magnificent moment. We will be able to look at the sea again with joy and illusion watching this wonderful spectacle”.
The human logo very much epitomized the spirit of collaboration and unity that has brought the Louis Vuitton 37th America’s Cup to the city of Barcelona and is a wonderful symbol of the event.

Speaking afterwards, Grant Dalton commented: “The human logo of the Louis Vuitton 37th America’s Cup is the perfect way to symbolize the huge effort that has been put into making this one of the world’s great sporting events. Barcelona has been a very enthusiastic host to the America’s Cup, and we are looking forward to putting on a memorable festival of world-class sailing through September and October. Our thanks go to the Mayor, Jaume Collboni, and all of the host entities for the tireless work in supporting the Louis Vuitton 37th America’s Cup and to the wonderful volunteers who will be pivotal to the event’s success. Let’s make it Big!”