Illes Balears Clàssics Regatta
Maximum emotion in the class of boats prior to 1950, with the victory of the Uruguayan boat over the Sonata. Argos chains its fourth consecutive win in the Classics category. January Sails wins the RI Classics.
The wind was elusive on the final day of the XXVII Illes Balears Clàssics Regatta after two days in which it had been surprisingly generous. Today, a very weak Embat situation was added to the anticyclone that has been hitting Mallorca for a week, as a result of the high temperatures recorded during the night. All in all, the Committee punctually gave the start of the third and final leg of the classics competition organized by the Club de Mar Mallorca, which this year has brought together 22 boats whose launch years ranged between 1904 and 1984. Given the circumstances, The shortest course of those contemplated in the Regatta Instructions was chosen, a journey of just 12 miles that passed through the center of the Bay of Palma. The breeze did not exceed ten knots of intensity in any section.
The lack of wind did not detract from the excitement of the regatta in the Vintage category, where boats launched before 1950 are cited. Sonata (1937), by Jordi Cabau, and FJord III (1947), by W. Scott Perry, reached the last day tied on three points, after having starred in a nice duel in the first two races. The final victory went to the Fjord III, which today crossed the finish line in second position, behind the Meerblick (1917), and achieved a meager lead of eleven seconds over the Sonata. Rarely is a regatta of vintage boats decided by such a narrow margin. The Argyll (1948), by the well-known British presenter and actor Griff Rhys Jones, completed the podium.
The FJord III, which competes under the banner of the Uruguayan Yacht Club, was designed and built by German Frers for the first Buenos Aires-Rio de Janeiro regatta. The impression that it caused in the world of yachting was such that the Argentine naval architect was commissioned to manufacture several more ‘copies’. This is how the Cippino and the Joanne were born, also common on the Mediterranean vintage sailing circuit.
There were no surprises among the Classics (boats launched between 1950 and 1976), where the dominance of the Argos (1964) was, once again, unappealable: three regattas, three victories, three points and fourth consecutive victory in the Club’s Illes Balears Clàssics of Sea. The Holmann & Pie of the New York shipowner Bárbara Trilling, built in the Carabela shipyards, has become in recent years the boat to beat. And it does not seem that her rivals have discovered the formula to unseat her. Ricardo Rubio, co-skipper of the Giraldilla (1963) together with María Torcida, considered second place in the general classification yesterday, considering the Argos “unattainable”. The objective was fulfilled today, given that the Sparkman & Stephens, armed by the Fundación Vela Clásica de España, which was owned by don Juan de Borbón (grandfather of King Felipe VI), managed to hang the silver, ahead of the Stella Polare (1965 ), the design of Olin Stephens manned by young cadets of the Italian Military Navy under the command of Captain Samuele Mondino.
In the RI Classics category, with only three participants, Gabriel Catalá, skipper and owner of the January Sails (1973), used his knowledge of the regatta course in the Bay of Palma to win the last leg and beat Salina Tres by one point. , by M. Pérez. January Sails is a regular at ORC’s local regattas, where she always sails at the forefront of the fleet.
The Illes Balears Clàssics Regatta has been held this year in a provisional venue located on the exterior dock of the Club de Mar Mallorca, due to the comprehensive remodeling works in which the facilities are immersed. This has meant that the fleet of classics has shared space with the large yachts that regularly call at this port, including the imposing Venus, 90 meters long.
The awards ceremony is scheduled at 8:00 p.m. in the Regatta Village.