Drifting cargo ship evacuated by helicopter



A freighter carrying other ships was damaged in the Norwegian Sea on Monday, April 5, in the Norwegian Sea, about 60 miles from Olesund.

The ship Eemslift Hendrika, from the Dutch company Amasus Shipping, found itself facing waves up to 15 meters high. The crew was rescued by Coast Guard helicopters.

The freighter was carrying a boat dedicated to aquaculture, and a pair of pleasure yachts, sailboats and motor boats.
The Eemslift Hendrika was sailing from Bremerhaven, Germany to Kveriid, Norway, in particularly unfavorable weather conditions, and according to early reconstructions, the cargo would have shifted, causing the ship to list dangerously.

After the mayady launched by the freighter, the crew was evacuated with helicopters from the Norwegian Coast Guard. Of the 12 sailors present, only 4 initially remained on board, including the commander. However, his attempt to right the ship failed. So when the freighter tipped even more, rescuers also recovered, leaving the ship adrift. Tugs would also be dispatched to the site.

According to the Norwegian authorities, there is a risk that the cargo will tip over and sink, dispersing fuel and hydrocarbons into the sea: there are about 350 tons of heavy crude and 50 tons of diesel on board. The Eemslift Hendrika was built in 2015 and is 111.6 meters long


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