HomeACWSPRADA ACWS AUCKLAND. Emirates Team New Zealand win Race 1

PRADA ACWS AUCKLAND. Emirates Team New Zealand win Race 1

Emirates Team New Zealand win Race 1 against Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli

The opening race saw the current Cup holders Emirates Team New Zealand go head to head with the Challenger of Record Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli.

Both boats were on time and at speed as they entered the starting box. At the start Emirates Team New Zealand headed out on starboard to the right hand side of the course while Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli performed a perfectly executed tack just before the start to cross the line on port. As both teams headed out to opposite sides of the first beat the race looked like it could be close, but as the pair came back for the first cross there was the first hint as to just how much more pace the Kiwis had.

Around the first gate Emirates Team New Zealand led by 41 seconds, a big gap for just one leg of racing and, from there, the distance simply grew with the Kiwis hauling out a winning margin of 3min 13seconds by the finish.

“We got a little left hand shift on the first race followed by a right hand one on the way down so it was an easier race for us, but we’re really pleased with how everything went,” said Emirates Team New Zealand skipper Peter Burling.

Winner Emirates Team New Zealand 3:13

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