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Vendée Globe Updates

Romain Attanasio finishes 14th in the Vendée Globe

This Saturday 6 February at 16 hours, 06 minutes and 02 seconds UTC French skipper Romain Attanasio crossed the finish line of the ninth edition of the Vendée Globe to take 14th place. His elapsed time is 90 days, 02 hours, 46 minutes and 02 seconds.

Keel ram problem for Manuel Cousin (Groupe Setin)

Around 1600hrs UTC this afternoon while Manuel Cousin was racing upwind in the strong NE’ly trade winds 750 miles west of the Cape Verde islands her reported that Groupe Sétin’s a keel cylinder ram has broken. The skipper Cousin is in contact with his shore crew to try to secure the boat in order to put in place the emergency pins to block the keel. He is in 22nd place 88 miles to the NE of Clement Giraud.

Pip Hare……’aaarrrrggghhhh’

That is how I am feeling right now, at 4 in the morning. In the pitch dark. These next four days are shaping up to be shockers.

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