HomeRoute du RhumRoute du Rhum: In IMOCA the ending is going to be awesome!

Route du Rhum: In IMOCA the ending is going to be awesome!

In IMOCA, the duel between Thomas Ruyant (LinkedOut) and Charlie Dalin (Apivia) has everyone spellbound, including regatta sailors such as Benjamin Dutreux (Guyot Environnement-Water Family). In pursuit of the two leaders, a group of five sailors held on, notably with Maxime Sorel (V and B-Monbana-Mayenne). Further back, each of the competitors sets their own targets: for Nicolas Troussel (Corum L’Epargne), it is the Top 10. Dutreux, Sorel, Troussel: these three sailors were contacted during a vacation. Here are their reactions.

Maxime Sorel (V and B-Monbana-Mayenne)

“Unfortunately I had a problem with the driver so he drove three times and came to a complete stop to try and figure out what was going on. A mast angle sensor was faulty. I just left. Justine (Mettraux) was 15 miles behind me and now she’s right next to me. All the gain I was able to make yesterday by surfing hard is yet to be done. It’s a bit frustrating, but I’m very happy to be where I am, I’m in the game with the others. The goal is more than met, I’m happy. It’s super intense, we have trade winds that are quite strong at times. It’s hard to live with our boats when things go fast. The dream we had late after the start of the race is not recovered by the trade winds. We are all going to get very burned. It’s nice to fight with taunts. I feel like I’m doing a one day regatta in a bay. If I manage to get a controller that works well, I’ll make a full recovery. I dare not imagine a grouping of the seven boats ahead behind Guadeloupe. Personally, it would be good for me, but those in front would hurt a little. But it is the Rum Route game, we stick with what there is. I can’t wait to get there, it’s starting to get cumbersome to shoot the sheets like barbarians. » But it is the Rum Route game, we take what is available. I can’t wait to get there, it’s starting to get cumbersome to shoot the sheets like barbarians. » But it is the Rum Route game, we take what is available. I can’t wait to get there, it’s starting to get cumbersome to shoot the sheets like barbarians. »

Benjamin Dutreux (Guyot Environment-Water Family)

“In the last few days I have worked a lot, I am really giving it my all with the boat. Even if I don’t have too many ideas, I try to catch up with the group of seven in front. There are a lot of big showers, the wind is super irregular, it’s not easy to navigate in these conditions. Strategically I consider the question of keeping my place and controlling the competitors from behind, or on the contrary find the opportunity to try a last attack even if we are not fooling ourselves too much. I’m going to make my way and have fun until the end, and we’ll see the result. I think there are still some gybes to fix for the front group. For me a little less, it will depend on the strategy I undertake. I learn many things on the ship. I get a positive assessment of the race at the moment although I still have it wrong because of the number, I lacked lucidity. It’s a little hard on morale because the others have gone nickel and I really got stuck in the spine. In the last 48 hours I have had a great time, it is the first time that I use the boat downwind. The boat runs very well, with speeds close to the top. The duel between Thomas (Ruyant) and Charlie (Dalin) is pretty crazy. I think Charlie knew that he was a little less comfortable downwind and that he had to extend the distance as much as possible. And indeed, Thomas has returned downwind. There is a great battle, it is super beautiful to watch. The end will be impressive, until the end many things can happen for them. Everyone throws the blows in the front group, as in Figaro, I would have liked to be! »

Nicolas Troussel (Corum L’Epargne)

“There was a regrouping once it passed the ridge. We have been in the trade winds for two days. It is an almost direct sprint to Guadeloupe with some gybes to negotiate. There is a bit of latitude difference between the boats, so we will see who manages to do well to finish behind the 8-9 boats in front. Yesterday we met with Romain (Attanasio), we talked a bit on the VHF. Since the beginning of the race we have not parted ways and we meet every two or three days. Normally, the next time it will be on the final side. I would have preferred to be a little further ahead. Sometimes I miss some benchmarks, sometimes it takes a bit of time to find the right settings. My preparation was too short to be able to claim anything else. I had a fault on the J2 stay that caused me to drop the lead pack. But I am happy to be here. My goal is to finish in the Top 10, it won’t be easy because other boats are well placed. The fight with Romain continues. Many things can still happen, we take good care of whats boats, we also have to be careful not to break. I feel in good shape, I manage to rest a bit. The idea is to make the ship work as well as possible, to make the best decisions. I am just under 3 days from the Tête à l’Anglais. » You also have to be careful not to break it. I feel in good shape, I manage to rest a bit. The idea is to make the ship work as well as possible, to make the best decisions. I am just under 3 days from the Tête à l’Anglais. » You also have to be careful not to break it. I feel in good shape, I manage to rest a bit. The idea is to make the ship work as well as possible, to make the best decisions. I am just under 3 days from the Tête à l’Anglais. »


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