HomeINTERESTRegister in the Vendée Globe Virtual Regatta, and participate !!!!!!

Register in the Vendée Globe Virtual Regatta, and participate !!!!!!

Vendée Globe Virtual Regatta

For the more than 700,000,000 Virtual Regatta players, the path is also complex

Register in Virtual Regatta HERE

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The more than 700,000 registered Virtual Regatta players do not have to deal with sea conditions, traffic, risk of breakage or problems.

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And they have to find the best course like the sailors of the real Vendée Globe (same weather forecast), virtual skippers face a complex weather situation to descend into the trade winds.

Also, it is not too late to sign up for this race.
If you register now, your ship will parachute into the middle of the competing fleet, or maybe even ahead of ours already, depending on the current ranking!

Register in Virtual Regatta HERE

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