HomeORCEarly leaders emerge in the 2022 ORCi European Championship

Early leaders emerge in the 2022 ORCi European Championship


With the results now available from the Mills Long Offshore Race that started yesterday and concluded today, we have three leaders in each class competing at this week’s 2022 ORCi European Championship. This event is hosted by the Royal Norwegian Yacht Club (KNS) and co-organized by the Offshore Racing Congress (ORC).

The race was an appropriate challenge of navigation, strategy and tactics for all 58 teams in the event, featuring variations in wind strength and direction, current factors in some areas of the race course, and choices in sail selections not generally found in inshore windward/leeward race formats. This race was important for all teams because scores earned today cannot be discarded in the final results.

“We did not need to win this race,” said Per Ottar Skaaret, owner of the TP52 JOKERMAN (NOR – shown left), ”we just needed a good result to work with for the rest of the week.” They got this on their 190-mile race course, with JOKERMAN finishing this morning in third place, about 20 minutes behind their first-to-finish Class A rival IMAGINE (GER), Holger Streckenbach’s TP52, and defeating them in corrected time 1 min 22 sec.

Both, however, were defeated by the Class A winner: Jan Oplander’s Swan 45 KATIMA (GER – shown below), with HALBTROCKEN 4.5 (GER), Michael Berghorn’s Mills 45 Custom, in second place.
“This was an interesting race,” said Christian With, navigator for JOKERMAN. “We have sailed here a lot, and there is a usual choice to make on which side to go around Rouøy. We took what we thought was the safe choice, and it was wrong.”

Summary top-three results August 9 – MILLS LONG OFFSHORE RACE

Class A

KATIMA GER 6593 Swan 45 Jan Oplander
HALBTROCKEN 4.5 GER 8045 Mills 45 Custom Michael Berghorn
.JOKERMAN NOR 12000 TP52 Per Ottar Skaaret

Class B

XINI-FREEDOM FIN-68 X-41 Martin Estlander
KWANZA SWE 49 X-41 Sten Haeger (Corinthian)
OLYMPIC EST 463 X-41 mod Tiit Vihul (Corinthian)

Class C

TEAM PRO4U SWE-88 First 36.7 mod Patrik Forsgren (Corinthian)
KATARIINA II EST 646 Arcona 340 Aivar Tuulberg
IBB NOR 16080 Arcona 385 Henrik Tangen


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