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Virtual Valencia Boat Show manages to create a new model of boat show

Virtual Valencia Boat Show manages to create a new model of boat show

Virtual Valencia Boat Show has held its last three virtual meetings today, in which it has brought together the best of the world of sailing.

The Olympians Jordi Xammar and Florian Tritttel, members of the crew of the Spanish SailGP team, one of the most spectacular events in the world, the ocean sailor Dídac Costa and The Ocean Race, the round the world team, have been the protagonists of the day .

During its five days of celebration, Virtual VBS has managed to bring together shipyards, distributors, industry professionals, athletes, marinas, yacht clubs, schools, tourist institutions, designers and race organizers on a single platform, accessible from anywhere in the world and from any device.

Created after the outbreak of the pandemic, this virtual boat show has allowed the sector to continue working, thanks to a technological platform that will be open all year round, and in which companies can communicate their products in an attractive and visual way, through of one of the most advanced technological implementations of the sectorial market.

Thus, what in the month of March seemed like a utopia, celebrating the Valencian boat show in this complicated 2020, has become a reality as a result of the joint work of La Marina València, Grupo Alfatec and the Union of Nautical Companies (UEN ), and under the direction of Nacho Gómez – Zarzuela.

“From the organization we are as happy as we are exhausted. The level of work we have had in recent months to design and execute the virtual platform has been frankly unrepeatable, so the first thing I have are words of thanks to the entire team. That is why the balance is excellent: just having made it happen is already a success. Now we have the second phase, for which the feedback from our exhibitors is being essential: the optimization phase. In a first stage we are going to focus on usability and visitor interaction, and there the work will be both didactic and technical. In all the pioneering technological products, the gap between the user and the tool is something logical, and it narrows as its use progresses. Therefore, we left with a lot of desire to activate the next phase of growth from now on ”.

The virtual salon remains open all year

One of the great advantages of this virtual contest is the possibility of being open throughout the year without generating additional costs to the exhibitor. In fact, one of the main attractions of Virtual VBS was precisely that: that once the event itself is over, exhibitors have 360 ​​days to continue exhibiting and selling their products.

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