HomeINTERESTDídac Costa launches a “crowdfunding” campaign for Vendée Globe

Dídac Costa launches a “crowdfunding” campaign for Vendée Globe

Dídac Costa launches a “crowdfunding” campaign

The ocean navigator Didac Costa has launched a crowdfunding campaign from October 8 to November 8 with the aim of raising the € 20,000 necessary to start the Vendée Globe in the best conditions.


It is somewhat distressing to know that just a month after departure, the team still needs resources to pay for things like satellite communication and supplies. This will be the second time that Costa is the only Spanish representative in the regatta. Again in absolute precariousness …!

But life goes on and the crowdfunding campaign has started as Costa and three other members of the team have already crossed the Strait of Gibraltar towards Les Sables d’Olonne, in the West of France. There on the 8th of November the Vendée Globe begins.

At this precise moment the campaign has obtained 48% of the requested amount. Ahead!

The sailor already resorted to crowdfunding during the last Vendée Globe, when lightning struck the mast and destroyed the electronics a few days after leaving for Les Sables. In this edition of the regatta, the team has obtained the support of several business partners, mainly “in kind”. The already difficult obtaining of funds in our country for these tasks has also been made difficult by the Covid19.

Didac says he sees crowdfunding as an opportunity to make fans feel like part of the project. “What I do would not be possible without the support of many people and we want them to feel part of the team.”

For this, the team has created “Team Didac”, a private portal where all crowdfunding participants will be able to access exclusive content such as hundreds of never-before-seen photos, as well as a documentary describing the entire preparation of the ship. They will also receive direct messages from Costa when he is racing.

The platform is also interactive, allowing fans to ask the team questions about technical aspects such as weather or routage. They will also be able to interact with each other through thematic forums and in exclusive events (online and offline).

The crowdfunding will last only 30 days and will end on November 8, the day on which Didac will leave Les Sables d’Olonne to begin his adventure.

CONTRIBUTE here: https://makeachamp.com/didaccosta/

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