Home29er29er World Championship RCN Valencia

29er World Championship RCN Valencia

Maximum equality at the start of the 29er World Cup

First day under good wind conditions, fulfilling the program with three closed tests

Antonia Schultheis and Ole Ulrich (Malta), Keo Devaux and Enael Rio (France) and J. Klempen and Steven Hardee (Virgin Islands) lead the overall tied at 9 points, while Sergi Soler (RCNV) and Stinj Gast (RCNC) are the best Spaniards by occupying the 12th place.
August 26, 2021, València.

The first day of the 29er Championship is closed in the waters of Valencia. It does so under good wind conditions, allowing it to comply with the established program of three tests in the three regatta race area and with a lot of equality between the fleet that has been divided into six groups and three regatta race area. Other of the keys of the day have been the favorites, or with podium options, who have not failed in the “Manel Casanova” race course.

Thus, Antonia Schultheis and Ole Ulrich (Malta), with partials of 1-5-3, adding 9 points, have placed provisional leaders, that is, they must share that first place with Keo Devaux and Enael Rio (France) and J Klempen and Steven Hardee (Virgin Islands). The former with numbers of 3-1-5, while the latter have managed to close the day with 2-4-3.

This equality and tie has moved to the back, although one of the great favorites: Sophie Fisher and Steven Hardee (United States), remain in a tight fourth place with 10 points while, in the next three places, of the 5th to 7th, there is a triple tie at 11 points. The Argentines, Santiago Duncan and Tadeos Funes, with the best sets (7-3-1) remain with that 5th place, while the French Chloé Revil and Castilla Nell (1-3-7) are sixth, being the first in the overall female overall, closing this triple tie with the Finns Simon Karlemo and Lasse Lindell (2-7-2).

The provisional top ten closes on this first day with two Danish crews: Rebekka Johannesen and Silje Cerup-Simonsen, with 12 points, being provisional silver in women, and Jens-Christian and Jens-Philip Dehn-Toftehoj who are tied at 13 points with the French Emilie Bouchet and Thomas Hautier (5-6-2) and the Dutch Yanne Broers and Dolf Hendriksen (5-4-4), located in 11th place.

In a local key, we have the best Spanish crew in 12th place, with the tandem Sergi Soler (RCN Valencia) and Stinj Gast (RCN Calpe), being the first in the provisional general SUB17. Soler and Gast, in the red group, have gone from less to more, starting with an 11 and finishing with two good sets: 4-4.

The provisional SUB17 podium closes with the Germans Matti Balzereit and Lisander Zeiskemateo and Simón Codoñer (RCN Valencia), while the Italians, Malika Bellomi and Beatrice Conti are the first SUB17 in females.

Tomorrow, second day of the qualifying round in which another three tests are scheduled, with the top start at 1:00 p.m. for the first test of the day in the three regatta areas.

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