HomeORC2024 ORC World Championship in Newport

2024 ORC World Championship in Newport

Second Distance Race Solidifies Lead in Multiple Classes at 2024 ORC World Championship

Today’s penultimate race day at the 2024 ORC World Championship held at New York Yacht Club Harbour Court featured a day-long distance race to fulfill the event’s requirement to give another test of offshore sailing skill among the 43 participating teams.

And like Monday’s Long Offshore Race, the results of this Short Offshore Race may not be discarded from any team’s scoreline and are therefore critical to determining which teams will be world champions at the end of racing tomorrow.

The perfect 7- to 12-knot conditions for this race once again helped keep the racing close in all classes, and with long reaching legs, this race was an opportunity for some teams to use their specialty sails designed for wind angles not usually a part of windward-leeward buoy racing.

Class 0 raced a course with an interesting and scenic route. Starting in Newport Harbor with a downwind start, the fleet sailed under the Pell Bridge to the southern end of Prudence Island in Narragansett Bay, then had a short reach across to the north end of Conanicut Island before heading turning south and heading upwind through the Pell Bridge to exit the Bay.

The six-boat fleet then sailed southwest towards Point Judith, northeast to Elisha Ledge, then west to Breton Reef before turning north again to the finish just outside of the entrance to Newport Harbor. Total distance for this course was 53 miles.

Click here for complete results.

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